Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Silencieux Chanson

I really love music. It calms, it inspires, it drives, it saddens, it cheers up, it creates mood, it tells stories, and so much more.  I just think to myself sometimes, what exactly God is trying to say by making something so amazing? Music seems to be core in a lot of people's lives (mine and my parent's included), not to mention that it's  a good form of worship.  Maybe this is a strange thing to think, but why did God make music? Why do we accept it so naturally? I can't imagine a world without music. It's so very precious to me, I don't think I'd be half the person I am without it.

This seems to be another question I don't have the answer to.  I catch myself questioning things a lot these days. ( My previous post mentioned that I question myself, well I'm not the only thing I wonder about.) I'm glad my questions are intelligent though.  Wondering why the sky is blue seems much less philosophical than pondering the existence of music.

On an entirely different subject; finals are coming up soon. I. AM. GOING. TO. EXPLODE. I can't handle stress from every class at once.  Something tells me I'm going to do absolutely great on one subject and then get royally screwed in every other class. ( I'm probably going to do good in English, that's a given with me. And I think I'm exempt from the Latin final, but Physics, Algebra II, and Musicianship scare me.... ) Well that's all the things going through my head right now. Good luck sorting through them. 


Kim Becker said...

I guess you know which three subjects you need to be studying then. Just do your best. Listen to some music when it's all over. It'll be OK.

Marlene Kliewer said...

I don't really envy your position right now--other than the fact that you are young, healthy, strong, pretty, intelligent and outgoing. Hmmm, on second thought, maybe I DO envy your position. I just meant the part about studying for finals. I haven't had to do that for a "few" years and I'm not sure I'd do so well. But YOU, on the other hand, will do just great, I am certain, due to all the character traits mentioned above plus the fact that you have a big family of prayer warriors who "have your back". How CAN you lose?

amy said...

I'm right there with you, sister. I'm on my way to the library to get working on a final exam of sorts: a research paper. Gotta go.

Hang in there girl.