Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Silencieux Chanson

I really love music. It calms, it inspires, it drives, it saddens, it cheers up, it creates mood, it tells stories, and so much more.  I just think to myself sometimes, what exactly God is trying to say by making something so amazing? Music seems to be core in a lot of people's lives (mine and my parent's included), not to mention that it's  a good form of worship.  Maybe this is a strange thing to think, but why did God make music? Why do we accept it so naturally? I can't imagine a world without music. It's so very precious to me, I don't think I'd be half the person I am without it.

This seems to be another question I don't have the answer to.  I catch myself questioning things a lot these days. ( My previous post mentioned that I question myself, well I'm not the only thing I wonder about.) I'm glad my questions are intelligent though.  Wondering why the sky is blue seems much less philosophical than pondering the existence of music.

On an entirely different subject; finals are coming up soon. I. AM. GOING. TO. EXPLODE. I can't handle stress from every class at once.  Something tells me I'm going to do absolutely great on one subject and then get royally screwed in every other class. ( I'm probably going to do good in English, that's a given with me. And I think I'm exempt from the Latin final, but Physics, Algebra II, and Musicianship scare me.... ) Well that's all the things going through my head right now. Good luck sorting through them.